Our Top Excuses

Monetary issues: People believe that in order to do workouts of any importance, they either need to buy expensive exercise equipments, hire a fitness trainer, or buy an expensive membership at a premier gym. Well not anymore! Our gym offers amazing deals that are affordable and convenient for those who are on a tight budget and still want to work out. We provide the option of either paying in full or in monthly installments. Give us a call or drop by your nearest Femme Fitness Gym to find out more about our limited time offers!

Lack of time
: Some people find it very difficult to find spare time for exercises. The reason behind this is usually too much workload at office. Sometimes however, this is just used as a lame excuse to keep away from workouts. Working out should not be a hassle and instead, should become a part of your weekly routines. Our opening hours are quite flexible and allow our members to fit some time into their busy lives. If working out for hours and hours seems like a mundane task, drop in our work-out classes and see how an hour can make a difference!

Social stigma
: People living in culturally backward societies feel that if they start going to gym, their friends and neighbors would inevitably think that something is wrong with their body weight, and then they have to keep up with their taunts. You would be surprised to know that some people even feel uneasy when asked to go to a fitness trainer or visit a nutritionist. Femme Fitness is almost like a safe haven for women who feel more comfortable working out in an all-female environment. There is no pressure to become society’s image of perfection since we encourage women to work out in order to feel good about themselves, boosting their self-esteem and building their confidence!